Benefits of a Micro-foraminotomy

Benefits of a Micro-foraminotomy

If you’re suffering from a pinched nerve, a micro-foraminotomy may be the answer for the relief you’ve sought. This minimally invasive spine surgery offers fast decompression with minimal scarring to give patients the pain relief they need without months or even years of physical therapy and other treatments. We will discuss what a micro foraminotomy…

Why Dr. Chris Michael is a Top Spine Surgeon in Dallas

Why Dr. Michael is a Top Spine Surgeon in Dallas

For those looking for a top-notch spine surgeon in the Dallas area, there’s no question Dr. Chris Michael is the go-to expert. With years of experience treating severe spine and neurologic conditions, his reputation as one of Texas’s most highly respected spine surgeons speaks for itself. Dr. Chris Michael stands out from other regional practitioners,…

How to Choose Your Spine Surgeon in Dallas, Texas

How to Choose Your Spine Surgeon in Dallas, Texas

If you are facing a spinal issue, from scoliosis to degenerative disc disease, choosing the most qualified and experienced spine surgeon for your procedure can be intimidating. With so many providers to choose from, it can be all too easy to feel overwhelmed. After all, who has time to vet everyone? Fortunately, we’re here to…