Types of Degenerative Disc Disease

Types of Degenerative Disc Disease

Degenerative disc disease (DDD) is a condition that affects the spinal discs. These discs are vital for protecting the spine and allowing movement. When they become damaged or diseased, it can cause pain, stiffness, and other back problems.  There are several different types of degenerative disc disease, each with its causes and symptoms. This guide…

Meditation for Pail Relief

Does Meditation Help with Pain?

Patients looking for pain relief may start with ibuprofen. However, bed rest is rarely recommended. Some may try stretching, yoga, physical therapy, and acupuncture. And they still struggle with pain. There may be one more option many overlook. What Is Mindfulness Meditation? Meditation gets a bad rap. Some people think it’s woo-woo. It’s not about…

What Is Scoliosis?

Have you ever visited the school nurse who asks you to bend forward and then checks your spine? That’s a simple test for scoliosis. The spine has natural curves, but they’re more pronounced and different-shaped for people with scoliosis. Because of this, this test can catch some cases of scoliosis early. In other words, people…

How Does Smoking Affect Neck Pain?

If people with neck pain need another reason to quit smoking, here’s a big one. A study has connected smoking to degenerative disease in the cervical spine, which is in the neck. Smoking speeds up the degeneration and causes more damage. How Smoking Affects the Cervical Spine The cervical spine contains bones called vertebrae. Cervical…

Does Weight Play a Role on Neck or Back Pain?

Back pain is the leading cause of disability according to American Chiropractic Association. It prevents people from working and doing everyday activities. It’s the most common reason employees give for missing work and accounts for 264 million lost workdays in a year. Facts about Back and Neck Pain Additionally, research from Institute for Health Metrics…